As per usual my new musical influence can be sourced from another form of media. This seems to be an increasingly regular occurrence for me. My new favorite show in the world to follow is Breaking Bad. When this show first aired in 2008 I saw both the Pilot episode and episode 2. I was so grossed out by what happened in the second episode that I had to stop watching...until Netflix released it. Now, I can't stop watching it. It is the craziest, saddest, funniest and strangest show I have ever seen and the acting is spectacular, which explains why it has been such a critically acclaimed show.
This is the story of how I came to find the album Dear Science by TV on the Radio. The song DLZ was used by Breaking Bad to communicate Mr. White's return to being a totally violent Bad Ass, bad decision making crystal meth dealer. A tragic story of a terrible person, but the story couldn't be more interesting and no song could have better communicated his circumstance. I hope you like DLZ as much as I do. The album is definitely worth a listen and DLZ is definitely a smart addition to any music catalogue.
Great show - and really good song too. good pick c