The Music Mashup Experience is a forum of musical experiences. Our ritual at The Mashup is to share what we have been listening to on Sundays, thus we call it the Sunday Song, but we invite you to share what you have been listening to any time.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Another Day, Another Compilation
Allman Bros. - Whipping Post
We heard this song in Ft. Worth and I've been on a big Allman Bros kick so here it is. Lots of things to envy here: guitar tone, guitar chops, and Gregg Allman's voice is awesome.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
July 24th
Hello gents and world I guess. This week my song is by a band with one of the worst names of all time but I bought their debut recently and I've been enjoying it thoroughly. This is "How Can You Luv Me" by Unknown Mortal Orchestra.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Night and Day or Night and Day?

I never really have Sinatra phases. I just always love listening to him. Night and Day and One For My Baby are probably my favorite two songs, but there are honestly countless Frank songs that I love and I own probably 90% of what he has recorded.
He is so big in fact that while I attended college I felt it necessary to take a course that was dedicated completely to the collective works of Sinatra. To this day I do not believe there is, has been or will be a greater celebrity. He literally conquered all mediums of his day and as you can see has even conquered the internet after his death. Like The Babe he is a Legend and "Legends never die."
Like I said, Night and Day is one of my favorites, but which version? I know my favorite version is from A Swinging Affair, but what do you think? Would you rather hear the beat beat beat of the tum tum tum? While you listen to both and cast your decision I would read the article by clicking the link below. He is a Legend for a reason and this is just the latest article proving that fact.
Cast Your Votes Here.
Lessons in Loyalty. Read me!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Music Books

I thought this was pretty interesting. Its pitchfork's 60 favorite music books and a bunch seem pretty lame but theres some interesting stuff here.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Guitar Solos
When I was thinking of a theme to go by this week I decided to do a great guitar solo. This comes from an album that I was really into a few years ago and I have literally not listened to it since but I always loved this version of Over the Hills and Far Away.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Happy Sunday, everyone. No deep thoughts this week - I just have been really enjoying female singers lately. Sounds funny, because it makes it sound like I normally don't enjoy female singers - that's not it. I just generally don't enjoy music from female-fronted bands as much.
But lately, there's been a wave of them that I really dig - Sleigh Bells, Adele, Buke and Gass, Florence and the Machine, about a third of the Belle and Sebastian songs, and this week's pick - Cults.
Creepiest video ever, creepiest lyrics ever, and the sweetest poppy song I've heard this summer.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Robot Riley
Okay sorry, I've been slacking on my posts. Robot Riley is a guy who used to have some of the best youtube posts around. I think he has since moved to New York (Clint you should look him up) and been doing improv or something up there so he doesn't post as much and hasn't had any gems in a while. I just found his latest post where he talks about the new Strokes album so I think it fits perfectly on the Music Mashup Experience. I've also posted one of his greats from a few years back. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Fighting for Freedom
I'm flying home from Fort Worth Texas alone after spending one of the best Fourth of July's in my life with my best friends, their wives and my family and the song Emma by Emmanuel Jal comes on my iPod as I'm reflecting on the simplicities of my life provided by this country. While my mind races, the Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks appear outside of my double plastic paned airplane window and I realize that I could have been born anywhere, but fate, luck and God had other answers and because of that I would be born and raised during the hypothesized peak of The American Civilization and for that I am greatly thankful, but realize that there is an entire world beyond the borders of our country that need help. Do not get me wrong, there is plenty to be done right here in our own country and that is the place to start, but as President FD Roosevelt almost said,"...that great power involves great responsibility." I couldn't bring myself to let Grandpa Ben Parker have that one.
In a world where Emmanuel Jal and Ishmael Beah's exist there are many ways to contribute to spread hope to a planet in need of Liberty and Freedom. It could be as simple as purchasing a pair of Tom's Shoes so that one more African Child has a pair of shoes for his journey to school everyday, because in other countries education is seen as an avenue to a better life and is not taken for granted. It is also possible to lend a hand to organizations such as Invisible Children. Together We Are Free found in the DVD section of their website is currently a favorite documentary of mine and it is only a glimpse of the Rock Star Movement Invisible Children is creating to help provide for a people in need of Freedom. These examples are all from one continent alone, Africa.
As an American it is not always possible to drop everything to save the world and without a doubt I am one of these people, but because of the Freedom given us we have the right to enable people around us to take the steps our lifestyle's will not allow and that is what I like about Nile Rodgers' spin off of the We Are Family (yea, that song) Foundation's Three Dot Dash. They have created a workshop that enables children from around the world to move forward with projects of their own that create change within their communities so that one day our Earth will find Peace and Freedom.
I don't think that this is the most brilliant song musically or lyrically, but the message of needing help and taking it when it is provided has rarely been communicated so passionately. I think the message is pretty simple my friend. Help when help is needed.
In a world where Emmanuel Jal and Ishmael Beah's exist there are many ways to contribute to spread hope to a planet in need of Liberty and Freedom. It could be as simple as purchasing a pair of Tom's Shoes so that one more African Child has a pair of shoes for his journey to school everyday, because in other countries education is seen as an avenue to a better life and is not taken for granted. It is also possible to lend a hand to organizations such as Invisible Children. Together We Are Free found in the DVD section of their website is currently a favorite documentary of mine and it is only a glimpse of the Rock Star Movement Invisible Children is creating to help provide for a people in need of Freedom. These examples are all from one continent alone, Africa.
As an American it is not always possible to drop everything to save the world and without a doubt I am one of these people, but because of the Freedom given us we have the right to enable people around us to take the steps our lifestyle's will not allow and that is what I like about Nile Rodgers' spin off of the We Are Family (yea, that song) Foundation's Three Dot Dash. They have created a workshop that enables children from around the world to move forward with projects of their own that create change within their communities so that one day our Earth will find Peace and Freedom.
I don't think that this is the most brilliant song musically or lyrically, but the message of needing help and taking it when it is provided has rarely been communicated so passionately. I think the message is pretty simple my friend. Help when help is needed.
Monday, July 4, 2011
July 4th yay!
Ok so I was thinking what I would post this week and I decided on trying to find a great fireworks song. This is the one I came on and there might be a chance that I posted this last year but I dun care. I love how it builds slow and eventually just blows up. Sorry about the video its the only studio version I could find.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy 4th Everyone
Well, it's not Sunday, but I'm packing now to go to DFW to see you loons tomorrow, so this is just going to have to be premature.
4th of July is an interesting holiday. My cynical side tries to reconcile the fact that it's really two different things. It's an excuse to have a few dozen beers and light Chinese paper-wrapped gunpowder packets in our sunburned hands while burgers burn on the grill. At the same time, it's also the date of our nation's independence.
At this point in our lives, we've done a little traveling and decided that we wish America had...
England's history
Mexico's fish tacos and reposado tequila
France's art
Bahrain's natural resources
Canada's friendliness
The Netherlands' tolerance
Belgium's beer
But when it comes right down to it, no other country has what the United States of America offers its citizens. I actually felt disappointed the other day when I was at the doctor's office (reasonable and safe health care provided through a job that I was able to secure and maintain due to a relatively stable economy) and the internet on my phone (instant access to information at a rate far superior to most developed nations) was going slow.
There's plenty to complain about here - from Glenn Beck and Keith Olberman to Ke$ha and Casey Anthony. But what can we really bitch about? At the end of the day, we are able to dictate what our future holds. Globally, this is the exception, not the rule - more than we realize.
This current mood of patriotism got me looking for a great American song...
Fortunate Song... ...angry
Born in the USA... ...cynical
Proud to be an America... ...I'm sorry, I just can't do it
So, enjoy "America" by Simon and Garfunkel, a wonderfully simple song. Happy 4th of July everyone.
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